John Benton Callis -
a timeline and list of newspaper articles

Callis Timeline and newspaper articles

1805 - Henry Callis born in Montgomery County NC

1808 - Christiane Benton born in NC

18280103 - John Benton Callis born in Fayetteville NC

18280307 - James Barnett born in Brookville PA

1830 - Callis family moves to Tennessee. Henry Callis is “connected” to Cherokee removal in unspecified way

18310531 - Sister Winifred Jane Callis (Wincy) born in Tennessee

18330815 -Martha Barnett born in Brookville PA

18331026 - Elizabeth Callis born in Tennessee

1837 - Panic of 1837

1840 - Callis family arrives in Grant County, via Chicago.

18461207 - Winifred Callis marries Jeremiah (Jerry) Garner in Lancaster

18471212 - Callis is an officer of the Sons of Temperance (age 19)

18471225 - Callis officer of Sons of Temperance

18480205 - Barnett hotel ad

1849 - Callis has moved to Minneapolis.

1849-1851 - Callis is involved as a contractor in the construction of Fort Ripley, though not as head contractor.

18501226 - Callis supports justice in St. Paul

18510326 - Callis is headed to California. This trip involves running a store in Calfornia, returning through Nicaragua, time back in NC with relatives.

18510426 - Callis to California (get from Lancaster paper too)

18531205 Callis store ad, dated 18531025

18540501 Barnetts as road commissioners

18541102 Callis ad

18550407 Elected as treasurer of Lancaster

18550822 - John Callis marries Martha Barnett in Lancaster.

18551113 - Elizabeth Callis marries James Barnett in Lancaster

18570110 Callis & Pepper listing stock. Pepper is a brother-in-law.

18570411 Found a pocketbook

18570502 Items for sale

18570606 Meds for sale

18570802 Callis builds with hall

18570901 Jared Barnett (brother-in-law) postmaster

18570925 - Frank B. Callis born in Grant County.

18571205 Callis & Pepper as, dated 18560925

18580401 Callis builds hall

18580401 Callis selling real estate

18580402 Barnett house burns

18580501 Barnett house burns

18580612 Barnett house nearly done

18580626 Barnett House reopens

18580703 Ball to open Barnett house

18580717 Callis & Pepper expired dated 18580522

18580731 Barnett house recommended

18580807 Barnett house rebuilt and open

18580901 Fork over payment to Callis store dated 6-19-1857 [1858]

18590214 - Jeanette Elizabeth Callis born in Grant County.

18591002 -Store ad

18600331 - Callis in court

18600502 - Callis store ad, dated 18590901

18601215 - Callis and ag society

18610112 - Lancaster debate on secession, Callis is anti

18610117 - Debate on secession a dud, no opposition

18610117 - Negro performer at Calis Hall

18610124 - Callis and debate society

18610201 - proposal for ending slavery in local paper

18610221 - Colony as resolution to slavery editorial in newspaper

18610402 - Barnett and Pepper work for vet’s aid

18610627 - Company elects officers

18610627 - Lancaster union guards tender their service, Callis as capt

18610627 - Union Guards are filling up

18610701 - A traveler visits Lancaster

18610701 - Van Dor as colonel of Brigade

18610702 - Callis store in new hands

18610703 - Beetown home guards – not Callis

18610703 - Dems view of the war, editorial in paper

18610703 - Finnicum’s company formed, also in 7th Wisconsin

18610703 - Repub view of the war

18610703 - Union Guard ready but not deploying

18610807 - Young enlisting men

18610814 - Agricultural Society – Callis treasurer and sup of fairgrounds

18610814 - Callis company full but recruiting

18610821 - Barber’s host company

18610821 - Forty men wanted for company

18610821 - New election for officers, debate on name

18610821 - Pay scale for officers and men

18610824 - Company full and headed for train

18610828 - British Hollow cornet band

18610831 - 7th nearly full at Camp Randall

18610904 - Flag ceremony for Callis and company

18610904 - Grant supplies men but not officers – Pepper mentioned

18610904 - Thanks from company for flag ceremony

18611009 - Capt Palmer’s company departs

18611127 - Letter from Callis

18611127 - Report from camp by Callis

18611204 - Death of soldier

18611204 - Death of Wright by illness

186203 - Jessie B. Callis born in Lancaster.

18620820 - Money coming home

18620909 - Gainsville report

18620910 - Battle report on Gainsville / bull run

18620914 - Casualties battle of the 9/14

18620916 - Brawner’s farm casualties

18620926 - Battle report South Mountain

18621007 - Report on South Mountain

18621014 - Long article on antietam

18621113 - The 7th votes

18621122 - Callis / Fairchild home recruiting

18621125 - Callis home recruiting

18621202 - Gallant Callis in town (Madison)

18621204 - Callis charged with cowardice by Copperheads

18621209 - Callis called a coward refuted

18630113 - Callis still in Lancaster

18630615 - Praise for the 7th and Callis in particular South Mountain and Antietam

18630623 - Callis praised

18630701 - Callus badly wounded at Gettysburg

18630722 - Callis recovering with Eaton

18630819 - Callis recovering still at Gettysburg

18630904 -Callis passes through, a mere skeleton

18630910 - Callis in Boscobel but unable to be moved. Staying with family

18630924 - Callis wound is serious but he hopes to rejoin regiment soon, copied from State Journal

18631006 - Callis recovered and hopes to rejoin unit

18631008 - Callis looks remarkably well and plans to rejoin regiment in 20 days

18631103 - Callis recovering

18631202 - Callis recovering, coughs up shirt – original from GCH

18640113 - 7th writes on his medical retirement

18640116 - Callis discharged from 7th

18640518 - Callis is home. Resigned commission. Applied for regular army position, but friends want to elect him register of deeds

18640622 - Clayton’s mills at Annaton purchased with Felix Dilger for $10,000

18641020 - Bessie Callis born in Grant County

1864-65 - Callis in reserve until in DC

18650411 - Lincoln assassination, Callis involved in provost response.

18650224 - Callis surprised by party, courteous

18650413 - Callis fights to defend DC. Fort Mahone?

18651101 - Funeral of Ulrich Dahlgren, Callis participates.

18651109 - Comments of award of sword to subordinate

18651120 - Callis as provost

18651201 - Veteran reserve officers relieved of duty

18651208 - Callis serenaded by city band

18661000 - Letter from Huntsville

18661102 - Fate of slaves? Extinction. Huntsville editorial.

18661218 - Callis oversees relief

18670611 - Plans to dedicate memorial

18670618 - Preparations for memorial dedication

18670625 - Callis returns for dedication

18670702 - Callis back for dedication

18670702 - Schedule for memorial dedication

18670709 - Dedication ceremony

18670827 - Alabama republican club

18670924 - Callis for equal political rights

18671231 - Henry Utt reports from Alabama

18680114 - Callis nominated

18680116 - Callis for congress

18680310 - Callis elected? J.W. Burke?

18680818 - Callis at home

18680818 - Callis in Lancaster, considers himself Alabama resident

18680825 - Callis shows letters about Klan

18681205 - Callis on way to DC for Congress with family

18690216 - Callis introduces anti-KKK

18690415 - Callis proposed for 3rd asst postmaster

18690420 - Callis considered for postmaster post

18690511 - Stallion at stud in Grant County

18690717 - Callis enjoying being in Boscobel

18700115 - Callis helps organize reunion of Iron Brigade in Lancaster

18700302 - Callis accused of selling cadetships

18700524 - Callis decoration day marshall

18700712 - Callis speaks of July 4

18700823 - Callis district delegate

18700903 - Secretary of congressional convention

18701004 - Callis chairs assembly district convention

18710530 - Callis on decoration day committee with s-i-l

18721015 - Old settlers day, Callis is chair

18731219 - Callis as Greeley Republican

18740116 - Callis in Boscobel from legislature

18740123 - Callis opposes railroad passes

18740216 - Callis bill to request rebel battle flags

18740305 - Callis proposed legislation to protect pensions

18740305 - Wis Soc of the Army of the potomac, Callis is VP, Bragg Pres

18740313 - End of legislative session

18740411 - Reform movement collapses

18741102 - Callis as reform candidate

18741106 - Callis not re-elected

18750121 - Callis on narrow guage to lancaster

18750930 - Critic of reform movement

18760609 - Callis / Phelps to state convention as Tilden delegates. Tilden did not carry Wisc or Grant co.

18770517 - Prep for memorial day

18770531 - Callis speak extempore at memorial day (can we get text)

18770927 - Callis feeling better

18770928 -Callis recovering from long illness

18780111 - Callis back walking

18780927 - Callis running for reg of deeds on split ticket

18780927 - What is it party

18790404 - Callis considered to have outlived utility

18800625 - Callis about on crutches “no man has suffered more”

18800709 - Callis back on crutches

18820622 - Old settlers day, Callis talks of arrival

18820630 - Soldiers reunion in Boscobel, Callis attends

18821010 - Jeanette Callis marries Richard Meyer Jr. in Lancaster.

18821012 - Nettie Callis married

18821019 - Mineral spring at Callis farm in annaton

18821026 - Death of Murphy, who went with Callis to Fort Ripley

18830215 - Frank Callis joins Smith & Callis

18830405 - Soldiers and sailors reunion planned

18830531 - Sisters visit Bessie at her school

18830726 - Callis & McCord meat market

18830816 - Callis mother obit, genealogy details

18830830 - More reunion

18830830 - Ten thousand gather for reunion – full page, Callis speaks

18850901 - Callis able to sit up

18870125 - Jessie Callis marries Joseph A. McCoy in Lancaster

18880319 - Bessie Callis marries Erskine McCoy in Lancaster.

18881011 - Callis chair of Dem county convention

18890509 - Shakespear Davis, brought to north by Callis

18890704 - Callis memories

18890704 - Callis memories were republished for other source

18890704 - More Callis memories

18890725 - Nelson Dewey funeral, Callis an old friend, Phelps a pallbearer

18890822 - Letter from 1864, recalls Calllis in DC

18900227 - Congregational church Mrs Gen Callis

18900605 - Memorial day, Callis on stage

18900821 - Dem county convention Callis, Phelps and JE Barnett

18901016 - Family heads to Chicago

18920623 - Nephew and future USMC Commandant Geo Barnett visits

18921020 - Gen Edward S Bragg visits, Callis intros

18930126 - Callis in Madison to lobby for senator contest, 31 ballots to nominate Mitchell

18930302 - County dem convention Callis one of leaders

18930831 - Thos Kenan writes of Gettysburg, papers at UNC

18930907 - Callis responds to Kenan, long letter

18940308 - J Early encouraged Callis at Gettysburg

18940510 - Stone Breckinridge (Clifton)

18940628 - Letter from Tripp, former comrade on vets affairs

18940920 - County dem convention with Jared and Phelps

18950214 - Callis letter on Lincoln

18950307 - Alex Ivey obituary, Lt in 7th, sworn in by Callis, GAR leader

18951031 - Donates congressional record to schools

18960206 - Gibbon in Madison, Callis his bosom friend

18960213 - Gibbon dead, anecdote

18960305 - City council nominations Callis presides, b-i-l makes motion

18960403 - History of the 7th

18960514 - Callis memorabilia displayed, stretcher, crepe

18960515 - Waterworks project, Meyer and Barber

18971022 - Iron Brigade reunion, Callis by telegraph

18971118 - Sick and failing

18980324 - Mrs Pepper and daughter return to help in Callis care

18980924 - Callis died in Lancaster after years of poor health

18981005 - Callis obit in Boscobel dial

18981006 - Half page obit

18981008 - Recalling Callis recruiting in 18620912

18981020 - Memorial from GAR post

18981217 - Winifred Callis Garner dies in Lancaster

18981222 - Winy Callis Garner obit

18981229 - Wincy Garner obit

19100109 - Martha Barnett Callis dies in Minneapolis